FCC Information Regarding Electronic Greeting Cards

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This product adheres to Part 15 of the FCC regulations. Its use is governed by the following two conditions:

  1. It must not cause any harmful interference, and
  2. It must tolerate any interference it receives, even if this causes the product to function in an unintended way.

Note: This device has been evaluated and meets the FCC’s standards for Class B digital devices, which are designed to prevent harmful interference in home environments. However, because it emits radio frequency energy, improper installation or use could lead to interference with radio or television signals. In the event of interference, you can try the following steps:

  • Adjust the placement of your radio or TV antenna.
  • Create more distance between this product and your electronic devices.
  • Plug this product into a different power outlet from the affected devices.
  • Seek advice from a professional or your retailer.

Caution: Any unapproved alterations or modifications to this device may void your right to operate it.

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