What do I do if my order is late or missing?

Article author
Keoni L.
  • Updated

*Note: Couriers can mark orders "delivered" up to 24-hrs prior to actual delivery.  Please allow an additional 12-24 hours for your order to be delivered if your order has still not been received.
We know you’re excited about receiving your Lovepop order, and we do everything we can to make sure it gets there quickly. Let’s find out where your order is on its journey by trying the following:

  • If you placed your order while signed in to your Lovepop customer account, you can view your order history and shipping details by logging in here
  • Locate your Lovepop order number and shipping confirmation email received from 'orderconfirmation@lovepopcards.com' Your email privacy settings may send these important order details to your spam, blocked, and trash folders.  We recommend that you add 'Lovepopcards.com' to your approved contact list.
  • If you selected a shipping option that includes tracking, your tracking number will appear as soon as your order ships. Click on the 'Track Your Order' button to be directed to your order's unique tracking details.
  • Tracking details may take up to 24-48 hours to populate after the initial acceptance scan by our carrier. Also, tracking details for all shipping services, other than FedEx, may be provided by a third-party global tracking service and partner.
  • If you’ve ordered multiple items, you may see multiple tracking numbers for your order. Don't worry, this is normal and means that items have shipped from two different Lovepop fulfillment centers to prevent any delays. If you’re still waiting for part of your order, this might be why! 

Please refer to your order's current tracking status below:

Delivery Status


Not Found

Item is not found at this moment. If necessary, please verify with the carrier and check back later.

  • The carrier hasn't accepted your package yet.
  • The carrier hasn't scanned and entered tracking information for your package yet.
  • Your tracking number is incorrect or invalid.
  • Archived order and tracking details are no longer available.

After we ship your order, it will be processed by the carrier, at which time they scan and update the tracking details. Delays between these scanning events can occur, therefore tracking information may not appear online immediately. Check back again in 1-2 business days.

In Transit

Item has shipped and is on its way to its destination. General explanation:

  • Carrier has taken possession of your order.
  • Your order has been dispatched or departed from its country of origin.
  • Your order has arrived at its destination country and pending customs inspection.
  • Your order has arrived at its destination country and awaiting domestic transportation.

Out for Delivery

Your order has been loaded onto the delivery truck and is making its way to its destination. We call this “the last mile” and you should expect your order to arrive the same day! 

Delivery Attempt - Note Left/Scheduled

Delivery was attempted but failed. This may be due to several reasons, so it’s important for you to contact the carrier to arrange for alternate delivery.

Note: Once a carrier has possession of your order we are unable to contact the carrier on your behalf, but they will be happy to work with you directly.

  • Recipient not available at time of delivery, or no such person; 
  • Delivery delayed and rescheduled;
  • Address issues, such as wrong house number, rural route, or no such location in the records of the carrier;


Your order was successfully delivered to its destination! If you show your order as 'delivered' but have not received it, complete the following:

  • Check your mailbox, dropbox, porch, and adjacent areas carefully;
  • Check with neighbors, family members, or co-workers to ensure someone did not accept it on your behalf;
  • If shipped directly to a recipient, ask them to check and confirm the above;
  • If still unable to locate, contact the carrier and initiate a 'Trace for a Missing Package.' USPS and FedEx both have effective processes in place, and can often locate your order.

Note: Couriers can mark orders "delivered" up to 24-hrs prior to actual delivery.  Please allow an additional 12-24 hours for your order to be delivered if your order has still not been received. 

Undeliverable - Return to Sender

Delivery was attempted but failed after multiple attempts to deliver. Carriers may or may not include specific details on why this might have occurred, but it is often due to:

  • Recipient or location refused shipment
  • Unable to locate destination after multiple attempts
  • International Customs returns

Note: Carriers will often hold your order for a few days and try to contact you if you purchased Expedited shipping and included a phone number. Orders that cannot be delivered will be returned to Lovepop, at which time we will process a return and refund and will notify you.


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