We care about your experience and want to ensure all of your questions and issues are resolved as quickly as possible. If our Lovepop Happiness Help Center didn't quite do the trick, please feel free to contact our dedicated Happiness Team for all of your customer support needs:
Note: If you attempting to edit or cancel an order that was recently placed on our site, please call us directly. Orders cannot be changed once the 30-minute ordering window has passed. You can also review our articles on how to cancel and how to edit a recent order.
- Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8 AM-8 PM EST/ Saturday-Sunday, 9 AM-6 PM, EST
- Phone: (888) 687-9589
- Online message: Submitting a Request
To help expedite your request, please be sure to include as much detailed information as possible, including:
- First and last name
- Your email address associated with your account and order
- Contact phone number
- Description of your issue.
A member of our Customer Happiness Team will strive to contact you within 3-business days.